Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Faith and Love

I'm faithful.

I will be faithful.

God knows what is better for me, and it's not casual why I'm here.

Everything is going to be alright. I just need to learn how to handle temptations, and how to keep working on my own improvement.

I'm thankful for my family, and this life I've been given. Everything happens for a reason.

And I believe for everything, there is a reason.... everything I hope, in time will come...

I must keep believing... it's always darkest before dawn.... the best is yet to come....

I am on a learning process. Rejection could be so useful, only if we teach our heart not to take life so serious. I know I will be able to love again, even if the world despises my virtue, if he tries to make me think I am fooled by illusion every now and then, and he advises not to put things in my head that don't exist.

If this pain boosts my inspiration, so be it! I won't deny him to meet me where my illusion dies... only to make me able to be loved and to love more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Si tan solo supiera ingles... el mundo me serĂ­a mas facil